A covenantal campaign to deepen our commitment to each other, our temple, and our community, as well as to Judaism and the Jewish people.
A Message from Clergy, Staff & Leadership
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Dream With Us - A Sneak Peak_ _ __________
The design process is ongoing but see what's being visualized...
A Place of Belonging
The L’Chayim Campaign will enable us to create a greater sense of connection, welcome, and spaciousness through upgrades to our facilities. A new Willow Avenue Entry will provide the shelter of a covered canopy and improved functionality of new doors, leading into an expanded, light-filled lobby area and adequate space for security guards. A new lift will take those with physical disabilities or accessibility needs to the sanctuary and main floor. A lounge and flexible meeting rooms will offer many comfortable spaces for casual conversations, with couches, a coffee bar, and places to relax and read.
A Place of Learning
As stewards of our tradition and history, we value lifelong Jewish study and learning. We aspire to transition to a full-time teaching staff dedicated to our KESHER learners and have recently welcomed a B’nai Mitzvah Specialist to support their journey. Additionally, our plans include enhancing our programming with more scholar visits and special events. The full vision includes a new multimedia learning center, new meeting rooms for education and study, new classrooms and a new multipurpose event room in the preschool wing, increased security for nursery school children and staff, and a new multipurpose, centrally located, youth center. These spaces will support a wide variety of programs, such as our adult spirituality series and anti-bias seminars for high schoolers.
A Place of Caring
Larchmont Temple cares for us at important times in our lives. Here we support each other through achievement or challenge, celebration or sorrow. We also extend our care beyond these temple walls. Campaign funds will help create spaces for care-focused programs such as Family Mitzvah Corps and other ways that we practice Tzedakah. For example, a revitalized Garden Room – with improved visibility, acoustics, lighting, and kitchen facilities – will support many activities and events. Program enhancements will deepen our mission of caring, for instance, an expanded LT Cares that encompasses support groups for caregivers, mourner aftercare, special needs parenting, and parenting of teens.
The L’Chayim Campaign is an all-congregation initiative to further enhance and strengthen Larchmont Temple’s presence as...
Why launch a capital campaign now?
Giving Levels
All gifts are graciously welcomed and will be recognized.
The L’Chayim Campaign Co-Chairs:
Rob Rothman, Karen Zimmerman
John Borden, Dana and David Carlos, Jordana Davis, Steve Lehman, Jennifer Mitchell, Michael Nathan, Lee Perlman, Jane Sable-Friedman, Neil and Wendy Sandler, Carol Scharff, Carol Scheffler, Brad Scheler, Amanda Schosid, Laurie and Jon Shapiro, Janna and Michael Stern, Harri Taranto, Jeff Wang, Ben Zoffness
Every member of Larchmont Temple is invited and encouraged to participate in the L’Chayim Campaign! We hope you will join in this living covenant with our past, present, and future, and with each other.