
Our LT Family relies on the generosity of members and non-members to support our ongoing innovative programs that nurture Jewish life. We are very grateful to all of you who consider us when honoring a loved one, a special occasion, or when making yearly gifts to organizations whose missions support your heartfelt values.

Donate by Check
You may mail a check for any donation. Please make payable to "Larchmont Temple" and indicate the purpose of the donation in the memo or in an attached note. Also please provide your return address.  

Send to:
Larchmont Temple
75 Larchmont Ave
Larchmont, NY 10538

Dues Commitments

For LT Members: To make your dues commitment by using our secure online system, please log in to your LT account by clicking "Member Login" at the top of this page.  Then Click on the "Pay My Bill" icon in the bottom row. There, you will be able to fulfill your dues commitment and any other outstanding balances.


Voluntary contributions on your statement this year include the following:

ARZA - Association of Reform Zionists of America - donations go to support the Reform Movement in Israel.

Social Action - The LT Social Action Committee makes contributions from the money raised every year to select local charities.

A Legacy Gift to Larchmont Temple

Please consider including Larchmont Temple in your will or estate plan…

Your estate gift will help the congregation continue to thrive and grow. For further information or to discuss options, please contact a member of the Legacy Circle Committee:

Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman
Carol Scharff
John Borden
Neil Sandler
Harri Taranto
Amy Holzman
Adam Deutsch
Jane Sable-Friedman


The easiest and most common legacy gift is a simple bequest. If you are considering a bequest, please share this suggested language with your estate advisor.

“I hereby bequeath to Larchmont Temple, a tax-exempt organization, ID#13-1845456, located at 75 Larchmont Avenue, Larchmont, NY 10538, the sum of ______dollars [or alternatively, _______% of residuary estate; etc.]

There are different ways that someone can leave a vibrant Jewish legacy by including Larchmont Temple in an estate plan. Two of the simplest approaches are a bequest in your will or trust, and naming the Temple as a beneficiary of a retirement asset such as an IRA (see below). In addition, Larchmont Temple would be happy to discuss individualized approaches to other ways of legacy giving, such as the donation of property or other assets:

Bequest in your will or trust. Designate a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a remainder interest, after funds have been distributed to your family.

Retirement asset. Make LT the beneficiary of all or part of a retirement asset, such as an IRA or a 401(K) plan. This is easy to do, without revising your will; and it’s tax-savvy, avoiding deferred income tax.