KESHER Religious School
Larchmont Temple’s KESHER Education Program is a warm and nurturing community. We create an engaging, nourishing, and experiential program that enables our K – 12 learners and their families to experience the joy of Jewish living and connection to our vibrant Larchmont Temple community.KESHER provides inclusive, interactive, and transformative learning where we live Judaism through Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut Chasadim.
- KESHER believes that Torah is the foundation of the Jewish people as it informs our modern lives.
- KESHER believes that meaningful Jewish prayer experiences enable reflection, creative spiritual expression, and a mindful relationship with oneself, one’s community, and God.
- KESHER believes that each member of our community has a responsibility to each other and the world around us. Through understanding, compassion, and mitzvot, we contribute to Tikkun Olam: the Repairing of the World.
Learning in partnership with one another, we aspire to connect everyone at Larchmont Temple through our shared and sacred covenant.

GRADES Kindergarten-3
Camp LT
- Sundays, 10am - 12pm
Based on a day camp model, our learners are led from place to place for joyful, interactive and engaging learning led by specialists (art, “storahtelling,” Hebrew and more). Campers explore being a mensch (a good person), the synagogue, singing, prayer, Torah and Jewish Hero stories, Israel, Hebrew Through Movement, Jewish values and holidays. The Hebrew learning portion of this curriculum is a nationally renowned program called Hebrew Through Movement. This program introduces Hebrew in a playful and meaningful way, creating a positive first link between children and Hebrew. The learners learn Hebrew by moving and doing, through being in a positive emotional environment, and through joy and play. At tefillah (prayer), learners are introduced to Jewish songs and basic prayers such as the Barchu, Shema, prayers for gratitude and peace.

Weekly Learning Option
(Newly added option - Shir Harmony.)
Wednesdays 3:30 – 5:30pm (all Hebrew included during that time)
Weekly Grade 4 – SHIR HARMONY
Wednesdays 3:30 – 5:30pm (all Hebrew included during that time). Our older youth choir will meet on Wednesdays during KESHER with a special Jewish learning program taught by Lexi Weakley dedicated to Jewish values through the lens of Jewish music. - 4th & 5th Grade Retreat at the URJ Eisner Camp (currently scheduled for March 7–9, 2025).
Grade 4 learners experience engaging Jewish learning activities every week at our STEAM program that includes art, drama, Israel, music and more. Grade 4 learners specifically focus on middot/Jewish values, Jewish holidays, Hebrew Prayer decoding, interpreting Torah stories, specialty electives such as art and drama, Israel, and learning the Friday night Shabbat service at our weekly Tefillah prayer service. Every year, Grade 4 learners join with the Grade 5 community for a retreat up at the URJ Eisner Camp. Grade 4 Hebrew includes letter and vowel recognition and starting to decode prayers and songs they have already been exposed to through Shira (singing), Tefillah (prayer), and Hebrew Through Movement in Grades K - 3.
Through a foundation of music and midrash, the Grade 4 Shir Harmony program – parallel to the general Grade 4 program - focuses on Jewish values, holidays, and rituals.
With your commitment to Shir Harmony, you will have many opportunities for musical leadership within our congregation and the greater Westchester community in addition to our time together on Wednesday afternoons. We ask that you consider your availability fully before joining this program.

Weekly Learning Option
- Wednesdays, 3:30 - 5:30pm
Individualized 15-minute Weekly Hebrew Support on Zoom (this is in addition to the in-person Hebrew on Wednesdays). Choice of: Sunday Mornings, Monday and Thursday afternoons.
- 4th & 5th Grade Retreat at the URJ Eisner Camp (currently scheduled for March 7–9, 2025).
Grade 5 learners experience engaging Jewish learning activities every week at our STEAM program that includes art, drama, Israel, music and more. Grade 5 learners specifically focus on Jewish Peoplehood, Jewish History, Israel, 4 weeks of a Yad Vashem Holocaust curriculum, Jewish holidays, Hebrew Prayer Decoding, learning the Friday evening Shabbat service at Tefillah prayer services and more. Hebrew is offered for 30 minutes in person with an extra 15-minute weekly Zoom with only one other learner. Every year, Grade 5 learners join with the Grade 4 community for a retreat up at the URJ Eisner Camp.

Weekly Learning Option
- Tuesdays, 3:30 - 5:30pm
Individualized 15-minute Weekly Hebrew Support on Zoom (this is in addition to the in-person Hebrew on Tuesdays). Choice of: Sunday Mornings, Monday and Thursday afternoons.
- Grade 6 Launch of the Journey of Becoming B’nai Mitzvah Family Program (currently scheduled for Saturday, November 23, 2024)
Grade 6 learners experience community building and engaging Jewish learning activities every week and focus on the Jewish life cycle, Making a Difference in Our World, Jewish holidays, four weeks of a Yad Vashem Holocaust learning unit, Hebrew Prayer reading and fluency, learning the Saturday Shabbat morning service at Tefillah prayer services and more. Grade 6 families all join together in the fall for the Launch of the Journey of Becoming B’nai Mitzvah Family Program to begin B’nai Mitzvah process. Hebrew is offered for 45 minutes in person with an extra 15-minute weekly Zoom with only one other learner.

Jewish Learning
- Tuesdays, 3:30 - 5:30pm
- weekly small group Hebrew sessions on Zoom or in person (Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays)
Our Grade 7 learners explore Jewish Identity, Reform Judaism and other Jewish Movements, Becoming B’nai Mitzvah, the Holocaust, Israel, Hebrew prayer review and engage in a number of Mitzvah projects. Our program punctuates the B'nai Mitzvah year as our learners go through the process together.

Madrichim (KESHER Teacher Assistant Program)
All 8th - 12th graders are invited to serve as a madrich/a in our KESHER Religious School program. Questions? Contact Rabbi Eve Rudin, Applications are available toward the end of August.
LarFTY and NFTY (Grades 9-12)
Join our High School youth group! Led by our teens, LarFTY (Larchmont Federation of Temple Youth) offers programming designed and led by a peer-elected board. LarFTY has exciting programs available for all high schoolers, including social action, religious, cultural, educational, and social activities. Pre-COVID, LarFTY's year included a ski trip weekend in Vermont, an overnight shul-in, volunteering, apple picking, and weekly Starbucks meet-ups. There are also lots of NFTY (North American Federation for Temple Youth) Regional and North American events! Questions? Contact Rabbi Eve Rudin,
Confirmation (Grade 10)
Grade 10 learners have the extraordinary opportunity to spend the year learning with Rabbi Sirkman in Confirmation Class. Highlights include Tuesday night learning dedicated to developing one’s own theology, a trip to the Religious Action Center’s L’Taken Seminar, and participating in a special Shavuot Confirmation service at the end of the year.
Diner Dialogues (Grade 11 & 12)
11th and 12th grade learners meet with Rabbi Sirkman monthly for Diner Dialogues at the Nautilus Diner!