Shabbat at Larchmont Temple
The Hassidic masters taught, When God says to Moses as he stands before the burning bush “Remove your shoes from your feet”, God’s message is meant for us as well.
For only if we remove the shell of habit that encloses us, that keeps us from our immediate experience, will we recognize that the place which we happen to be standing at this moment is holy ground. For there is no rung of being on which we cannot find the holiness of God everywhere and at all times.
Shabbat is our chance to look closer than ever before at all those bushes that burn but are not consumed; to move beyond the habit of the week to let the uniqueness…the holiness…of Shabbat come upon us. There is holy ground in front of us, behind us, in between us.
It is only up to us…to make it so….
Erev Shabbat
Our Friday night service each week welcomes the coming of Shabbat with Song and Spirit! Say goodbye to the trials of the work week as you enter the Sanctuary to celebrate.
Shabbat Morning
Chevrah Torah
Led by Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman, Chevrah Torah is a time when congregants gather together to challenge, explore and gain insight from our sacred texts. We use the PARDES method of study. The best way to learn about it is to take a seat around our table and join the conversation.
Shabbat Morning Worship
With the Reform Movement’s Siddur, Mishkan T’filah, as our liturgical guide, we share as a community in song, study, and spirit. The highlight of the morning is the Torah service when our b’nei mitzvah students offer the Torah and Hafarah readings, as well as teach Torah to the congregation by giving a d’var Torah.

Musical Shabbat Morning
Led by Rabbi Leora J. Frankel, this casual, intimate, musical Shabbat morning observance usually meets weekly. Honor a yahrzeit, pray for the healing of a loved one, become more comfortable with your prayer book Hebrew, or simply come to tap into the peaceful energy of Shabbat.
All Services
For times, locations and livestream/zoom links, consult our calendar.